Tag Archives: Bandcamp

I have a new single!

One of the things I want to do more of this year is get back to music. I’ve been a singer-songwriter, session vocalist (working with producers across the world) and band vocalist since I was 19, and music has always been a huge love of my life.

M Session PicBut in recent years music has taken a back seat to books and being Mum. While I still gig with my band The Peppermints (who you might know better as The Pinstripes from my third novel, It Started With a Kiss), I haven’t done much with my own songs.

I recorded an album About Time, in 2011 which I self-funded and I’m so proud of it, even if there are about seven boxes of CDs now gathering cobwebs in my shed! It was a dream to record my own music – followed by my book soundtrack EP that I wrote to accompany It Started With a Kisscalled Last First Kiss in 2012.Booklet

For a while I’ve had my music on Soundcloud (click the link to see all my tracks, which you can hear for free) and Bandcamp, together with my music page on Facebook. I’ve written a lot of new songs in the last twelve months, which I hope to record soon – updates when they happen!

I’m currently writing about a musician in my forthcoming novel, The Day We Meet Again – and it’s made me miss music more than ever. So, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and release a single! Why not, eh?

GIVE ME A REASON was originally on the album, and I love it.
You can hear it below – and it can be yours for only £1 – just click this Bandcamp link.

Enjoy! And if you like what you hear, leave a comment below xx